"What if I already have a domain name?"
You have 3 choices:
1) Continue to use it with your existing website and get a 'second' customized
website from us… with a FREE, high-impact domain name…
(many top agents have three, four, or more websites to maximize
their advertising exposure to buyers and sellers on the internet).
2) Dump the old name and the old website and select a FREE, high-
impact domain name with a brand new customized website from us.
If your old website is costing you more than $10.00 per month,
you save hundreds of dollars a year as soon as you make the switch.
3) Transfer it to the new website we customize for you. Only the
company that you registered the domain with can do this for you.
It is called: "domain forwarding."

"What makes a 'good' domain name for real estate agents?"
The biggest mistake agents make when selecting a domain name is to choose
their… own name: www.MyName.com
1) Buyers/ sellers can easily misspell your name and never 'hit'
your site costing you thousands of dollars in lost commissions.
Even 'simple' names have multiple spellings like: Smyth/ Smith…
Chris/ Kris… Sherry/ Sheri/ Cheri/… Jon/ John…
Jerry/ Gerry… the list is endless…
The rule is… "If they can't remember and type
it correctly after reading or hearing it… ONCE…
do NOT use it." Just think why billboards are so effective.
They only have ONE clear message, don't they?
Besides, many names are hard to spell or have too many characters
making it difficult for buyers/ sellers to type. "Speed"
is essential in capturing visitors to your site, so, don't
create obstacles for your prospects.
2) Your name does NOT 'mean'… real estate… to
the average home buyer/ seller. Unless you expect to invest hundreds of
millions of dollars like the 5 giant national real estate franchises…
www.MyName.com is purely ego and will
cost you a fortune in lost deals. To become a 'local brand name'…
would still cost you MORE MONEY than you'd want to even think about.
www.MyNameHomes.com is not as
good as www.MyNameRealty.com.
'Realty' means only one thing to the public. 'Homes' can be interpreted
as any of the dozens of home-related businesses offered to consumers.
That said, unless you have a very short and easy to spell name,
do not use: www.MyNameRealty.com.
3) Do not use 'REALTOR' as part of your domain name. NAR will not
allow it.
4) Never, ever choose a domain name… no matter how 'good'
it sounds… with anything but a .com ending. You can
still buy good real estate domain names with .biz; .org; or even
.net. DO NOT DO IT. It's a…
- 99.999% of home buyers/ sellers when typing in a domain name think
ONLY: .com. So why take even the slightest chance of sending your buyers
and sellers… to your competitor's website?!
- Guess who 'owns' the 'reverse' (the .com) of your great
sounding .biz; .org. or .net.. name?… Your competition!!!
So all the money you spend to advertise: www.GreatRealEstateName.net
(.org - .biz - etc.)… will only drive traffic to: www.GreatRealEstateName.com.
And your competition won't even send you a 'thank you' card.
We know what you're thinking… "What if…
is 'not'… active? Can't I advertise my www.GreatRealEstateName.biz
or GreatRealEstateName.net name? " Don’t worry.
Get your site up and running… spend a lot of money advertising
your .biz or .net name… and we guarantee you…
will be up… running… and haunting
you the rest of your career.
5) BIG MISTAKE: Creating domain names that have: LOVE...
ENJOY… LIVING… or similar words in them.
The average person thinks: PORN PORN
PORN… when seeing those words in a domain.
It's a well known trick by XXX website spammers to lure unsuspecting visitors
to their site by using domains labeled: Love (name of city).com…
LivingIn (name of city).com